Montmorillonitli Birleşimlerle Ağır Metallerin Uzaklaştırılması
Yakın tarihli bir bilimsel araştırmada, kontamine arazilerde mevcut ağır metale etkili bir absorban üzerinde çalışma yapılmıştır. Absorban, silika montmorillonit ile desteklenerek ve ardından yüzey üzerine iyonik bağ nakledilerek hazırlanmıştır. Yapılan testler sonucunda;
Hazırlanan Montmorillonit bileşimli absorbanın ağır metalin uzaklaştırılmasında nötr sulu ortamların yanı sıra, zayıf asit barındıran ortamlarda da etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Bu sonuçla birlikte geliştirilen Montmorillonitli absorbanın kontamine olmuş ortamlardan süzülen ağır metalleri azaltmada kullanılabileceği belirtilmiştir.
Çalışmanın İngilizce özetine aşağıda yer verilmiştir
Immobilization of heavy metals on pillared montmorillonite with a grafted chelate ligand
Brown L, Seaton K, Mohseni R, Vasiliev A.
Department of Chemistry, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 37614, United States.
PMID: 23921181 [PUBMED] J Hazard Mater. 2013 Oct 15;261:181-7
The objective of this work was the development of an efficient adsorbent for irreversible immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soils. The adsorbent was prepared by pillaring of montmorillonite with silica followed by grafting of a chelate ligand on its surface. Obtained adsorbent was mesoporous with high content of adsorption sites. Its structure was studied by BET adsorption of N2, dynamic light scattering, and scanning electron microscopy. The adsorption capacity of the organoclay was measured by its mixing with contaminated kaolin and soil samples and by analysis of heavy metal contents in leachate. Deionized water and 50% acetic acid were used for leaching of metals from the samples. As it was demonstrated by the experiments, the adsorbent was efficient in immobilization of heavy metals not only in neutral aqueous media but also in the presence of weak acid. As a result, the adsorbent can be used for reduction of heavy metal leaching from contaminated sites.
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