Bentonitin, Selülit Tedavisinde Etkisi ve Anti-Selülit Özelliği
Yakın tarihli bir diğer bilimsel çalışmada, bentonit içeren peloidlerin selülit tedavisindeki etkisi ve Anti Selülit özellikleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, 25-60 yaşları arasında değişen 10 gönüllü üzerinde bentonit peloidi ve jel formülasyonlu selülit ürünü kalçaya 8 hafta boyunca haftada 2 kere uygulanmıştır. Uygulamalar öncesi (T0), 4. haftada(T1) ve uygulama sona erdiği 8. hafta sonunda (T2) uygulamanın yapıldığı bölgenin görünümü ve cilt dokusunda incelemeler yapılmıştır. İncelemeler sonunda,
Bentonit peloidinin uygulandığı bölgelerde, selülit kaynaklı portakal cilt etkisinin iyi duruma geldiği, bacakta sıvı birikmesi ile ilgili olan şişmelerin azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bunun yanında, bentonit uygulamasının yapıldığı tüm gönüllülerde, cilt dokusunda ve görünümünde çok ciddi gelişmeler gözlemlenmiştir (Pürüzsüz cilt, gözeneklerin sıkılaşması, sıkılık vb.). Öte yandan, Jel formülasyonu ile yapılan uygulamalar da ise cildin durumunda iyileşme gözlemlenirken, bentonit peloidinin gösterdiği diğer tedavi etkilerini göstermemiştir.
Bu Makalenin İngilizce özeti aşağıdadır.
Efficacy of a designed peloid with anti-cellulite properties containing bentonite of Porto Santo, Madeira archipelago Pena-Ferreira, Santos D, Silva JBF, Amaral H, Sousa-Lobo JM, Gomes CSF, Department of Drug Sciences, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Portugal, GeoBioTec, University of Aveiro, Portugal Balnea 1887-0, 2012, núm. 6, 257-258 Introduction and Objectives: Cellulite is defined as a localized metabolic disorder of subcutaneous tissue that causes an alteration in the female body shape. It appears as a modification of skin topography evident by skin dimpling and nodularity that occurs mainly in women on the pelvic region, lower limbs, and abdomen and is caused by the herniation of subcutaneous fat within fibrous connective tissue, leading to a padded or orange peel-like appearance. The aim of this work was the design of an anti-cellulite peloid using bentonite clay from Porto Santo Island and two plant extracts (Horse Chestnut Extract and Ivy Extract). In this study, formulations containing 20% of smectite clay<180 _m from Porto Santo island and 10% of each of the plant extracts were prepared. Materials and Methods: Viscosity and texture analysis of the peloid were performed. The peloid application was performed on both thighs of 10 healthy female volunteers, aged between 25 and 60 years after signing an informed consent. To test the effectiveness of bentonite peloid, a gel base formulation without clay was also applied in accordance with the protocol. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed peloid, centimeter measurements were made before (T0), after four treatments (T1/2) and after eight treatments (T1) – 2 times a week during four weeks. The observation of the appearance and texture of the skin was also performed before and after treatments. The differences between T0, T1/2 and T1 were evaluated for statistical significance using Student´s t test (paired samples, bilateral). Differences were accepted as statistically significant at p <0.0 Results: After peloid application all the volunteers have reduced the circumference of the thighs. The effect of orange peel skin of all subjects improved with the applied treatment and the leg swelling decreased in subjects with fluid retention. After applying the peloid all the volunteers had a significant improvement in skin texture and appearance: the skin was smooth, hydrated and with tighter pores, presenting a greater firmness. The gel base formulation without clay caused an improvement in skin condition but there was no change in the centimeter measurements of the thighs of the volunteers. Conclusions The results obtained in this study demonstrate that the developed peloid with bentonite is effective for anti-cellulite treatment
Bentonit Tedavisi Bentonit > Sayfa 72